Thursday, January 30, 2025

Many R 2 Blame 4 Trump


+Bishop Durrell Watkins, D.Min. 

   I'm super annoyed. I know, take a number. But I'm not just annoyed by Our Clockwork Orange administration, or by Christian Nationalism (more broadly known as white supremacism), or by the earth crying out in pain (& her tears can cayse us quite a bit of pain) in response to abuse humanity has inflicted upon her. I'm annoyed by the all too common narrative that VP Harris was a bad choice & JB before her (& thst narrative is what made her a candidate).  If only the D's had made wiser choices(!). Um, no.

   I don't buy that  we had bad candidates (when T has a chance in hell, quality isn't the issue, & Harris is as good a leader as we might hope for & better than we deserved). I don't buy that D's are too liberal or too conservative, too much like GOP, too little like Rust belt America. Few D candidates are as left of center as FDR who saved this country from ruin. Both FDR & Johnson promised government help to address poverty and in differing measure, to address racial discrimination. And even if Dems are left of the vibe of the moment, their job is to sell their ideas, not hide/disguise/deny them to win elections. 

   This is a racist, homophobic, sexist country (one's singular lesbian friend or one hardline POC candidate does not negate this), wealth (even by those who lack it) is our religion, & the commercialized American church has embraced the greed & hatred & called them holy. Oligarchy, racism, neo-fascist leanings, & theocracy have conspired together to dominate this country, destroy its diversity, & diminish its compassion. This has been in the works for 40 years & they made a grab for power (complete with attacking the capital & being pardoned for it!!) when they knew few ppl of consequence would stand in their way. That is not the cause of any one or seven Dem tickets. 

Inexiable nonvoters are hugely to blame, as is the media who sold fact checking & truth telling for ratings & $$ while giving free air time to the most loathsome voices in American politics. 

   The coalition of evil told us they were coming (a rare instance of honesty) & the mild middle & pusillanimous media held the door open for them as they came. 

   And, the largest share of blame goes to every eligible voter who saw women's rights bulldozed, trans* people demonized, social safety nets put on the chopping block (as I angrily mix metaphors), & racist rhetoric normalized & thought, "Hell yeah, that sounds pretty good". 

   As culpable are those who saw how ugly it all was & supported it anyway for tax breaks or cult like loyalty to a brand. "I don't feel that way" means squat all if you in fact vote that way.

   We've lost house, senate, scotus, and WH...that coup took decades, not one Tuesday in one November. With little left to lose we may as well offer the bold alternative. They call centrists the "far left." I wish we could organize a loud & fully committed Left. We can at least speak up as conscience demands & vote every single time (local too). 

   But for now, the "how did we get here" question cannot be answered with "people didn't like the old guy who wasn't demonic & they didn't like the woman of color, so what could they do but empower an amoral dictator?" 

   No. People chose perfidy & cruelty & avarice and now we have chaos (as we did in his first term, but now there are fewer adults to restrain him and his dementia has worsened). Maybe we'll learn from this...but I have doubt.

   This is a huge mess. We can all do what we can, if not with real hope of healing, then as least with the consolation of having engaged in moral resistance. But this burning dinosaur turd is not because a Black woman was thrust into a candidacy with only 100 days to build a movement. It's because we've watched bigotry & greed grow larger, stronger, & more organized for over 4 decades without calling it out consistently & with conviction. Some are now coming to the realization that may have been a mistake. (dw)

Thursday, January 09, 2025

Remembering President Carter

 January 9, 2025

The Global Justice Institute


On this National Day of Mourning for the 39th President of the United States, James Earl Carter, Jr., more commonly known as Jimmy Carter, the Council of Bishops of the Global Justice Institute honors President Carter’s legacy as a humanitarian, peacemaker, person of faith, and servant-leader.

Vice President Harris in her eulogy of the 39th president noted that “he appointed more Black Americans to the federal bench than all of his predecessors combined, and appointed five times as many women.”

President Carter also appointed Patricia Roberts Harris as the first Black woman to a cabinet position (HUD Secretary), even though Mary McLeod Bethune led FDR’s unofficial “Black Cabinet.”  

Carter appointed Juanita Kreps as Secretary of Commerce, and later would add Shirley Hufstedler as Secretary of Education. He also appointed 3 of only 5 women to ever serve as under-secretaries in the Cabinet up until that time. 

Before taking office, candidate Jimmy Carter said, “I will appoint qualified women early in my administration and in substantial numbers. They will not be in a few token positions at the top…but in jobs of importance throughout the government.” 

Within a year of taking office, about 14% of women appointed were in top policy positions. By the end of 1979, 22% of appointees were women and 20 women were on the White House Staff. 

The Carter administration became the first to invite Lesbian and Gay rights activists to the White House to discuss federal policy regarding employment discrimination against gays and lesbians in the federal government. 

For decades after he left the White House, Carter continued to model public service with his work for Habitat for Humanity and the Carter Presidential Center. 

As a former president, Mr. Carter became a prominent voice in support of LGBTQ+ rights. He advocated for marriage equality at a time when most national leaders still opposed it. Carter was a Nobel Peace Prize winner, author, person of faith, and generally considered to be one of the most effective former presidents in our history. He also outlived all other presidents (so far), dying at the age of 100 a year after his wife Roslyn passed away. 

President Carter said this about homosexuality in a 2012 interview: "Homosexuality was well known in the ancient world, well before Christ was born, and Jesus never said a word about homosexuality. In all of his teachings about multiple things ... [Jesus] never said that gay people should be condemned."

President Carter taught Sunday School in Plains, GA for 40+ years, sometimes drawing crowds as large as 500 (the town’s population is less than 600). And after 37 years of teaching at Emory University, Mr. Carter was granted tenure in 2019.

Rev. Dr. Rene DuBois, a member of the Global Justice Institute’s Government and  Policy Team, said, “President Carter demonstrated what a decent person can achieve in the world.”

Good leaders need empathy, compassion, generosity, and integrity. Jimmy Carter demonstrated each of these gifts. May more leaders do so in our time, and may James Earl Carter, Jr.s’ memory bless all who hold it, even as we bless the beautiful memory of his life of service. 

In celebration of a life well-lived,

The Council of Bishops

The Global Justice Institute 

Bishop Pat Bumgardner, Founder & Executive Director

Bishop Jim Merritt (Eastern Europe)

Bishop Robert Griffin (Caribbean & Africa)

Bishop Durrell Watkins (Communications & Trans* visibility)


Compline - End of Day Prayer

January 9, 2025
COMPLINE with +Bishop Durrell
[Compline is the end of day prayer as one prepares for sleep.
Tonight's Compline includes reflection and meditation as well as a closing prayer.]

California is on fire. Lives are being turned upside down. It will take months or years for some people to fully recover.
By the way, it’s fire. It’s not a divine tantrum or a curse or the fulfillment of some ancient prognostication. It’s fire. It happens. We don’t need superstition or conspiracy drama. What is needed is our concern and our compassion and our generosity.
While fires rage in one area, bitter cold attacks others.
And while the elements misbehave (and of course climate change is a factor and should be addressed), a country mourns the loss of a great humanitarian.
President Jimmy Carter’s work with Habitat for Humanity, and the Carter Center’s work around the world, has touched innumerable lives. In addition to election oversight and diplomatic efforts, the Carter Center also employs about 200 people in Atlanta and thousands more throughout the world. The sort of leader who never stops trying to make the world a better place for everyone is too rare, and now there is one less. Of course we grieve.
BREATHE. Let’s spend one full minute in silence just noticing our breath. Let’s take a full minute respite from all the crazy and all the scary and all the unknown. Let’s have one perfect minute of relaxed breathing and calmness. We deserve it and we can have it. Right now.
Following the breath can be a prayer. A prayer for peace by embracing it and letting it then float into the atmosphere. Another word for breath is “spirit.” When we connect with Breath, we are touching something sacred and powerful and beautiful. Breathe.
We can also ask the Universe to help us, or the angels to guide us, or the ancestors to be with us, or the saints to pray for us, or for the God of our understanding to hold us throughout all the ups and downs of life. Breathe. Pray. Repeat as needed.
My close of day prayer:
Let showers of blessing heal California, and a warm breath of heaven minister to those facing dangerously cold temperatures.
Let peace seem more real than problems. And may we have the courage and the grace to hope, no matter how many times hope didn’t seem to change the outcomes. Still, hope banishes despair, at least for a while, and sometimes, what we hope for does come to pass. Oh, let us dare to hope, or at very least, let us hope to find hope.
May the legacy of Jimmy Carter continue to bless the world, and may we bless his memory even as his memory inspires us. And may humanitarians and peacemakers and justice workers and lovers of humankind rise among us, and may we be willing to count ourselves among them in some measure.
It is in peace and with faith that I pray. Amen.

Bless you and Good night.
+Bishop Durrell