Monday, January 28, 2008


“You are not merely the physical body that you identify with out of habit.. Your essential state is a field of infinite possibilities.” Deepak Chopra

Your essential state is a field of infinite possibilities. Some people believe they are guarded and aided by angels or spirit-guides. Aren’t those angelic beings symbols for infinite possibilities?

Some people believe that there is a supreme being listening to their prayers and responding to them (at least on occasion). Isn’t the image of a benevolent super-being responding to heart-felt cries a symbol for infinite possibilities?

Some people believe in magick. They believe that candles and scents and images and incantations can all work together to focus the power of the mind or to cooperate with the forces of nature to improve the quality of our lives. Isn’t magick a symbol for infinite possibilities?

Some people believe in science. They believe that given enough time and resources, scientists can figure out how almost anything works, and if they know how it works they can eventually work with the natural processes to bring about improvement. Isn’t science, then, a symbol for infinite possibilities?

Positive thinking, Positive Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, Quantum Physics, Metaphysics…these are all disciplines that suggest Reality is complex and that we are not powerless in our world. The symbols for infinite possibilities are many.

We don’t all choose the same symbols, the same vocabularies, the same rituals, or the same guiding texts, but we all have access to myths and symbols that remind us that our essential state is a field of infinite possibilities!

As we go deeper into 2008, let’s remember that wonderful things are possible, and the thoughts we choose and the choices we make can give us greater access to better possibilities. We are not powerless. Today, let’s claim our power, give thanks for it, and choose to use it wisely. Let’s affirm, silently or aloud: “My essential state is a field of infinite possibilities. All things are possible. My Good is
at hand; I receive it now with gladness and gratitude. And so it is!”

(c) Durrell Watkins 2008

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