Monday, July 04, 2016

Independence Day Prayer

By Rev. Dr. Durrell Watkins

God of hope and liberation,
As we celebrate our independence and our liberties this holiday, may we also be mindful of liberties that have been denied over the years to people because of their race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnicity, age, or life-circumstances.
May we rejoice over the moments in our nation's history where we have attempted to atone for the sins of exclusion, bigotry, and injustice.
May we be glad and grateful for the 19th Amendment, Civil Rights legislation, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Marriage Equality; and may we not be satisfied with the progress that has been made, but let us continue to seek to guarantee "liberty and justice for ALL."
Let us work to keep LBGT teens safe.
Let us value peace over war, and prosperity for all rather than privilege for a few.
Let us remember that valuing the right to worship freely and to practice one's faith openly is not a license to discriminate against others or to marginalize those we fear or dislike.
Let us remember that our ancestors came to this country from other places, and let us in their names welcome and respect those who come here still seeking a better life.
God bless our nation and the community of nations.
Let peace prevail in our hearts.
May wisdom guide our leaders.
And may we acknowledge the sacred value of all people within our borders and beyond. Amen.

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