Thursday, February 22, 2007

Response to Bishop Charleston's Open Letter

Thank you, Bishop Charleston, for articulating a progressive and just understanding of the Gospel and for standing so boldly in defense of inclusive Good News. A message that values human dignity over institutional power makes me want to affirm in Pauline fashion, "I am not ashamed of the gospel..."

As a same-gender loving person, I must confess to growing weary of having my human expression reduced to an issue, a topic, a matter for debate. To be so routinely dehumanized by those who claim to represent Christ is not only painful for people like me who enjoy the comforts and consolations of other societal privileges, but also for others whose very lives are at stake because church condoned homophobia continuously leads to violence, oppression, and even murder of same-gender loving people. Such horrors are daily realities in Jamaica and other places, as you know.

It is refreshing and encouraging to read such a passionate statement from a bishop of the institutional church and from the president of such an important divinity school. I am proud and honored to be associated with EDS and I am grateful for your courageous leadership on this very important issue.



Durrell Watkins, M.A., M.Div.
DMin Program student

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